An invitation...

Action & Impact November Update

It’s been two years since the Mahabba team, made up of trustees, circleholders and other volunteers have been able to meet. But on a wintery day in early November, we gathered in Birmingham to praise God for all He’s done, and to pray into the vision of Mahabba Network.

The weather may have been gloomy, but there was nothing gloomy about the mood! Being face to face after only seeing each other on screen for so long was wonderful, and so were the times of fellowship. We spent a long time praying for the various circles of Mahabba, and those involved with each one.

While we were all together, I took the opportunity to ask those present what drew them to Mahabba Network and why they pray with a Mahabba Network group…

“We meet weekly to pray for: our friends who are Muslim, our churches, and what God wants for our city. There is a real sense of support and walking with each other in our journey of sharing our faith with others.” (Circleholder)

“What I love about the Mahabba network is that it is cross-denominational and largely volunteer-led – ensuring that we both keep our feet on the ground and have lots of opportunities to cross-pollinate our ideas and then put them into practice together.” (Mahabba Group Co-ordinator)

“I love being involved with Mahabba because of its balance between grace and truth: finding a way to love Muslim people with the love of Jesus, and without the fear and hostility that can sometimes be a part of interfaith relations.  I love the emphasis on prayer, on being welcoming and relational, and I love the positive way in which Mahabba seeks to work.” (Circle Member)

“Praying together with others who share a calling to love Muslims for Christ, builds my faith and perseverance. Being with those who care enough to pray for people by name, regularly, and to spend time together in witness is a privilege. Sharing resources and ideas keeps us fresh and open to the new things of God.” (Trustee)

“I used to think my country was so beautiful and varied that I’d never need to holiday abroad. Then I visited a part of the world with different sights, sounds, smells, and beauty that expanded my horizons. Today I meet and pray (with believers who have) a wider vision and their faith shines through with a different flavour… and my sights are raised and encouraged.” (Circleholder)

‘We can do more together than alone. Alone I can achieve a little. Being part of a Network we can be strengthened, and equipped and achieve more. Together we can influence the nation.” (Circleholder)

“I am involved in Mahabba because it may not be the only strategy, but I believe it is an essential credible strategy to try and get any and every Christian involved in smiling at, genuinely befriending and sharing life with Muslims in the UK.” (Trustee)

Simon, who is the circleholder for the Support Circle shares this encouragement.

“My Support Circle highlight has been the way it has almost become a mini business networking group! With a mixture of people covering social media, copywriting, communications, finance and marketing, we've all benefited from each other and enjoyed the energy and dynamism of working towards a common goal with Jesus at the centre of it all. 

My role is the circleholder, but I've been blessed to be able to bring together a wonderful, talented group of individuals and encourage them as they grow and develop as they outwork their skills and giftings.”

As a network, we couldn’t continue without your financial support.

But we’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to consider, ‘Could I give some of my time to further the vision?’

We’d love to hear from you, and have a chat to see how your skills could support Mahabba.

The support circle is looking for an admin assistant. Someone with a few hours a week who can help answer enquiries, schedule e-mails and is comfortable working with digital systems or apps.

Other gaps we have are as follows:

  • Sharing and Strengthening Circle: Mahabba Network members who would like to connect with local churches and equip them in sharing faith and strengthening followers.

  • Governance: New Trustees

  • Prayer Circle: Young adults to join our new prayer group - Millennials praying for Millennials.

  • Promotions Circle: People who have skills in this area to help us publicise the Mahabba vision externally and internally. Also, people skilled in animation, video editing.

If any of these sound like you then please get in touch at



Our local Mahabba groups are the centre of our work as a network. If you’re not connected already, why not get in touch or connect up someone you know?

Join the Conversation

This month our MAHABBA COMMUNITY have been chatting on Discourse about the educational needs of refugee children and sharing info about free seminars and workshops. It’s a great place to connect with other members.

We’d love you to join the conversation - sign up for Discourse HERE

Coming Up

Our CALENDAR has all the latest, best and most relevant events for those reaching out to Muslims. On the 6th of December, Mahabba Network is hosting a new monthly prayer meeting for young adults, praying specifically for Muslims between the ages of 20-35.

See our events HERE

Don’t Forget

Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are.

Find out more HERE