Across Woking annual report


Across Woking annual report 2016-17

Dear Simon

Thank you for the annual report and an invitation to feedback to you.

Across celebrated 20 years of ministry this year and although I have only been part of the ministry for the last two years, even in that short time I have rejoiced at seeing the Lord at work in Woking, using ordinary Christians to unveil Christ's love to the Muslims.

Our ministry begins and ends with prayer. The monthly Friday prayers have taken place in Woking every month for the last 20 years. I make that 240 dedicated times of prayer solely for the varied cultures and faith groups in Woking.

Our prayer breakfasts that take place quarterly and well attended Mahabba Meals have also been great opportunities to draw Christians together to highlight and pray specifically for cross cultural needs. Just last week our Mahabba Meal was hosted by a MBB who through her own experiences has set up a charity to support other women like herself who find themselves in need of a safe house following their conversion. £300 was raised through the kind donations at the Meal, and more importantly we saw the willingness of those who attended to support this cause by opening their own homes.

A new initiative this year began in the summer when Across became active within the community to engage with Muslims on a one to one basis. We ran a free Adult craft tent at three local family events known to be well attended by Muslims. The craft tents allowed for meaningful conversations to take place in a relaxed environment. Just one story to share is that as a result one Muslim lady has been whatsapping me and has expressed an interest to come to my Church in December for our church craft event. This will most likely be her first time being welcomed into church and I can't wait to take her.

Earlier in September, armed with 400 'you are Loved' cards, a team of Christians went to the local mosque and handed them out with messages of love as men and women left the mosque after Friday prayers. We turned up unannounced and yet the Imam in his acceptance and acknowledgment of us coming, fed us all lunch before we left. We look forward to repeating this at the other mosques in Woking in due course.

In November we have a half day training scheduled thanks to Mahabba's focus on training and we look forward to church members being inspired to befriend their Muslim neighbours as a result.

We are grateful that Across can share in the Lords vision for Mahabba to love all Muslims and pray that it will go from strength to strength.


Riz - coordinator (Woking)