Lovefast 2: The Andalouse of Zaghouan, Tunisia
Lovefast 2: The Andalouse of Zaghouan, Tunisia
By Chas from Mahabba Croydon
Daily verse
Thought for the day
Living water
As a devout Muslim I was happy with my belief. I did not feel the need of a Saviour because it was all about me and my good works.
At school I met a Christian girl and we fell in love. Controversially we got married.
Six months later, we went to a Christian camp. I just went for the holiday!
I entered the end of a meeting as some people were being prayed for. They offered me prayer too.
I thought nothing would happen and they would see that Allah is the true God! When they prayed I started to weep uncontrollably!
God showed me a presentation of all the wrongs that I had done:
This is what you did, I am throwing it into the trash
It was a very humbling and sobering experience. That was the moment when I met with God, and I wanted that forever.
Inspired by today's entry in 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
Further information about Lovefast and past entries can be found here:
Daily action
Jesus said, ‘whoever drinks of the water I give will never be thirsty again’. Ask God to give you an opportunity to share this message with a Muslim you know.
Prayer for the day
Encounters with God are life changing! Pray for the Muslims you know to have an encounter with Jesus.
Your turn
Let us know how it went! Leave a comment below, or tag us on social media with #lovefast or #30dop hashtags on social media. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter!